Cryptocurrency prices analysis and forecast – 12 December 2018

BTC/USD is being traded at $3,427 in the correction. For the last trading day, the technical pattern of the coin has not changed at all. Therefore, today let us summarize the analytical results for the mining industry. Since the beginning of November, the price of Bitcoin has decreased by about 45%. The network"s hashrate lost about 31% during this period. This figure is identical to approximately 1.3M disabled mining devices. This trend has led to a significant reduction in the complexity of Bitcoin mining. For the first time since October 2011, as of December 3 of the current year, the complexity of mining collapsed by 15.13%. All this, together with the general collapse in prices, are an indicator of the critical state of ...
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I've recently started trading and for me it was a real desaster as the price of Bitcoin has decreased at the beginnig of November. Fortunately, I mainly traded with trading bots from Tradingbot-solutions, so my losses were limited. I just hope that the bitcoin market in 2019 recovers reasonably well.